Wednesday, April 22, 2009

An Unexpected Way to Wear a Scarf:

on your wall! 

OK!  I was asked about some different ways to wear scarves - so I am going to put together a post on my favorites.  I used to wear scarves quite a bit, and now, thanks to blogging and Polyvore, I am pulling them out and enjoying them again.  So thank you for the interest!  

But before I put that together, I wanted to share this Napoleon themed Hermes scarf that I had framed for the living room of the little apartment Hubby and I had when we were first working after grad school (long time ago!).  It now hangs in his study over a leather sofa.  From a distance, it looks like a print - but when you look closely you see the beautiful detailing in the silk.  Little bees are woven throughout in addition to printed.  

Some of these scarves are so elaborately detailed - and there is such a huge variety of themes and colors - that I think they make great artwork for your walls as well as your wardrobe!


  1. Love that idea - so clever!! And gorgeous scarf, too.

  2. OMG My BF & I went antiquing this past weekend and I saw that scarf at the shop. They wanted $185 for it. I ended up buying some botanical prints instead of getting the scarf. I was talking about framing it too. How funny! I love how it looks hanging up on the wall.

  3. This is a grrrreat way to display something you love! I love the scarf!! Enjoy...

  4. Thank you Heidi and Joyce!
    Emily - what a CRAZY coincidence! I bought this scarf somewhere around 1995-1996 - so this design was made quite awhile ago but if it was in exc condition, that is not a bad price! Enjoy your new pictures. I love botanical prints.
