No, these aren't exact replicas of last year's wildly popular (ie I had a difficult time finding it in the color I wanted) MBMJ Dr Q Lil Riz - but I must say the style is quite similar. The Target version is larger than mine, doesn't appear to be leather, and no purple.
pic from Target today
my Marc by Marc Jacobs hobo
Wow--so similar--it is amazing that Target can get away with that!
ReplyDeleteHi there! Loving your blog - have an email question, what is your email? Or you can email me :)
ReplyDeleteHi Jessica - thanks! I've just put my old email back on my profile page so you can use that - having trouble adding a new one but the old one works :)
ReplyDeleteso similar!!! i'll have to check target out! :)
ReplyDeleteAhhhh, you were into purple purses last year!