Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Packing Process... Getting Started!

So, I have most of my outfits picked out and am living with these little piles for a couple of days to make sure everything's working.  

Back in the day I was a very light packer - I usually went with just a carry-on many places.  But that was before the days of Polyvore and Blogging and now I kind of want to take along lots of my recent outfits and finds, like they were so many little friends.  Never mind that there might possibly be some fabulous things to buy in Europe.  We are going out to buy another suitcase today.

The days of the carry-on only was also three children ago.  Now I pack for four in addition to a little help and guidance for the Hubs.  The kids' piles are just starting... so many cute outfits for the little ones you know, and most of the photos will be of them.  I just can't wait for all those European photo ops with my little cuties.  My girls are soooo excited to see the Eiffel Tower!

Anyway, I am starting early, because my last two big packing trips were not quite perfect... in 2008 I packed everything for our California trip... except not one single pair of underwear for myself.  On the upside, I now have Mickey and Minnie and Tinkerbell in my underwear drawer.  And this last trip to Florida, I did forget toothbrushes and booster seats.  Luckily, easily replaced.

Back to my packing project... I hope everyone is starting out a great week!



  1. That is a big project indeed. Good luck! I know the feeling, as I am also in the midst of packing for myself and the three girls (my husband takes care of himself) to spend 7 weeks at our lake cottage. Feels like I have been working on it for days... I can't wait until the bags are closed and we are able to unpack there and settle in.

    Hope you have a wonderful European vacation. Can't wait to see photos!

  2. Great idea to do little piles like that ... like your own personal little Polyvores. What an exciting trip you have coming up :)

  3. 7 weeks... that's like moving! What a great summer :) Thank you and have a great time at the lake!

  4. Stylestance - thanks - it helps me! I had planned to Polyvore it all out first but this was just easier this time. :)

  5. I love those black heels....what brand are they???

  6. starjm03 - those are from Target, can you believe it?? They are great IRL too... item #10855517 for $26.99.

  7. That's the best thing about modern living...if you forget something like underwear, socks, toothpaste, sunscreen, etc. etc. there will probably be a drug store or a Target in near enough proximity to buy a replacement. Perfectly adorable outfits, on the other hand, are irreplaceable, so choose wisely :)

  8. Oh, hope you have a great vacation in Europe! I am on vacay right now and have a horrible cold! :(

  9. Zoe - I agree!
    Petunia - oh no! Get better soon! My 7 yr old threw up all Saturday night and my 5 yr old did the same this morning so we are hoping everyone gets all better by the weekend when we leave!

  10. Have a great time. You are going to look fabulous!!!!! oh, didn't you know it's a crime to lay an hermes scarf on the floor. the penalty is that you now have to give it to me (smile)

  11. It looks like you have many great outfits to be packed. Liking the strapless dress and cardi outfit, and the new ATL dress with a white cardi! You should be golden!!

  12. Patina LOL I knew I shouldn't have done that
    mrs.a thanks!

  13. What a great system for packing! It must at least take a little bit of the stress away. ;) I hope you have an absolutely amazing time! :)

  14. I'm so jealous! Have fun! Save room in your suitcase for your European purchases. I know you'll find some fab things.

  15. Aww, I can't wait to take my three boys to Europe!! Have lots of fun! Can't wait to see some pics :) P.S. Maybe when you get home you can fill me in on how you kept your kiddos entertained on the long flight over seas. Any tricks, tips, games, ect you'd like to share would be great!

  16. Kimberly - you will have so much fun! I've done 5 hr flights with my three but this one is 9.5 hours overnight - so I hope it goes smoothly (they are 7, 6, and 4). We are going to take them swimming before we head to the airport to hopefully tire them out. I am hoping they will sleep on the plane since we leave in the evening and arrive in the morning. I've heard the in-flight entertainment on SAS is really good but I also have them bring a backpack each packed with new activities and toys that they don't get to see until we have taken off. That is really exciting for them and keeps them occupied for a good while... will also have the mac along with some dvds and lots of snacks!
