So on Monday, I had a couple hours to myself and instead of running off to the Crew or Anthro or Target, I stayed home and thoroughly cleaned my laundry room and the inside of my car... ahhh... it really is nice to have all the clutter GONE!
Anyway, while cleaning out the car I found many interesting things... (oh, and kids: no more entire boxes of goldfish smuggled into the backseat for the 15 minute drive to ballet class, OK? Thanks.) and one of them was this LL Bean catalog, obviously not brought into the house with the more interesting mail one day. And oh my, have you looked at LL Bean lately?
I don't remember scenes like this in years past... it just makes me want to sit outside amidst fresh flowers and votives, all fabbie in pink and green (I'll be the girl on the left, you choose your outfit!) and toast my girlfriends with icy lemonade (or whatev) on the start of summer!

I cannot get enough of this pattern:
Large Canvas Tote $44
LLBean's Tote, LLBean's picture
Haven Skimmers $64
LLBean's shoes, LLBean's picture
Juniper Skirt $49
LLBean's skirt, LLBean's picture
Happy Wednesday everyone!