Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cucumber Dip

It seems like Summer is coming to a close fast and there were a few great hot-weather recipes I had meant to share but I never got around to it... so I wanted to at least post this one because it is sooo delicious.

This is Teresa's recipe from the delightful blog Blooming on Bainbridge and she graciously said I could share it. I have a pic of my end result below but I must refer you to her original post because I can't begin to compete with her gorgeous photography! Her recipes really are a joy to read.

I will tell you to make sure to follow her instructions to pat those cucumbers dry, dry, dry to ensure non-soggy dip! It is amazingly good and we all loved it.

Teresa's Cucumber Dip

4-5 cucumbers
sea salt
4 Tbsp mayonnaise
2 pkgs cream cheese, softened (I use Neufchatel)
garlic powder

peel & cut cucumbers in half lengthwise; scoop out seeds; pat dry (very dry); chop & sprinkle with sea salt; mix it all together... done!

great photos here
Happy Thursday!



  1. Looks so good!!! I have cucumbers coming out of my ears from my garden and am TOTALLY going to make this today!!!

  2. oh good!! You're so lucky! I need to start a garden one of these days! :)

  3. Perfect timing. My parents gave me a bunch of cucumbers from their garden but I couldn't figure out what to do with them before they go bad. Thanks!

  4. seriously where did summer go?!!! this recipe looks delish!!

  5. Thanks for sharing! I am going to make it.
