We've been a little iced/snowed in around here lately, with most of our usual activities cancelled - including school, which means I've been out of the office - so I've had some time to think about some other things.
I've been window shopping on some Danish websites lately, as my husband is making a biking trip over there this year, and I'm sure he wants some ideas for something to bring back since I won't be going... Georg Jensen, Royal Copenhagen, Bing & Grondahl...
...which got me thinking about a pretty set of china that my mother-in-law gave me several years ago that I wanted to learn more about. I found this website: jamerantik.dk which has a wealth of information about marking and dating systems for Royal Copenhagen china and collectibles.
The pieces in my set, I learned, are from a few different years. This cup is from 1957, indicated by the little line under the "N". "E" indicates the artist (the X can be used to indicate "painted by" so this one may just have one intial, not two). The use of upper case letters indicates (with a few exceptions) painting done in 1950 or later.
We have some collectible pieces and old silver I'm looking forward to learning more about also.
So, I've caught up on my DVDs recently and one of the movies I most enjoyed was The Fallen Idol from 1948. If you like British films, film noir, old black and white movies, thrillers, suspense, or looking at pretty interiors or European balconies, I highly recommend it. The Seattle Art Museum is going to be showing it as part of their series "Shadow Street: The Best of British Film Noir" in April.

Hot tea is so soothing on these cold days. Also, when watching suspenseful movies. I recently found this one, and while I wouldn't say I have a "nervous stomach", I sometimes find myself a little anxious or stressed and I think lavender is so incredibly comforting. The combination with chamomile is lovely and it is caffeine-free and organic:
I'll be continuing on with some looking-back-at-vacation-days posts over the next couple of weeks. I haven't been wearing anything remotely interesting lately or doing any clothes or accessories shopping. Once we thaw out and start thinking about Spring (and I get my closet cleaned out and organized) I should have some more dressing and shopping related posts. I have a couple of new recipes I'm going to try too - featuring quinoa and polenta. But tonight, I think it's out for Mexican. Hasta luego and Happy Friday!